
Cutting a bullet in half with a katana

I found really impressive these videos featuring a Japanese man with superpowers, able to cut a bullet using a katana. In the first video he cuts a bullet in half which is shot with an air gun from a 15 meter distance; and in the second video he does the same but this time cutting a baseball in half.

Via Japan Probe.


Foreigner nose

Sometimes when Japanese people dress up like a “foreigner”, they put on a fake plastic nose trying to imitate our noses, which generally are more protuberant than theirs. For example, in this TV show, the comedian Tsukaji Muga is dressed up as an “Amerika-jin” (American). Notice the fake big nose and the tie 🙂

In the show, the contestants have to grab the food that passes by in front of them using chopsticks. In this other video you can see another contestant dressed up like a Mexican (curiously without nose, can anybody guess why?); there is also a Russian (with fake nose) and an Indian as well (also with plastic nose). The two girls represent China and Japan.

If you want to know what happens when one of the contestants fails and can’t get the piece of sushi watch this other video:

If you are enjoying the TV show and want to watch some more I put here a couple of more videos. In one of the videos the contestants have to dip down a meatball into a raw egg.


Quentin Tarantino in an Otosan commercial

Quentin Tarantino loves Japanese culture; he’s been multiple times in Japan and he has confessed to being a fan of Japanese cinema. Tarantino’s vision of Japan can be appreciated in Kill Bill: lots of blood but shown stylishly, with a certain iki feeling. In his last visit to Tokyo he was eating with Brad Pitt in front of TV cameras and also took the opportunity to appear as an actor in the latest Softbank Mobile commercial featuring Otosan, the most famous dog in Japan.