
Geisha make-up

On this occasion, instead of Sailor Moon make-up, I came across this cool video showing the whole process that a Geisha goes through when putting on make-up. Geishas and maikos have been putting on make-up the same way for over four hundred years. However not only geishas take make-up so seriously; the make-up culture is really instilled into Japanese society. In fact, it is very difficult to see a woman without make-up on the streets of Japanese cities. Make-up is also present in many Japanese historic novels, like for example Mushashi Miyamoto (which takes place at the end of XVI century), where I can recall many passages that illustrate woman putting on make-up.

The video gets interesting at about 3:30

Geisha make-up
Geisha without make-up.

Geisha make-up

Geisha make-up
The same woman after putting on make-up!

Geisha make-up

Which one do you prefer? the first version before putting on make-up or the second one after doing it?

2 replies on “Geisha make-up”

I’m not sure if I can decide they almost look like completely different people.

But she’s pretty either way.

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