Otaku Society

Next Japanese prime minister is an otaku

Yesterday the Japanese prime minister resigned. Abe will not be anymore the prime minister and will probably be substituted by Aso, a man who declares himself as a manga and anime fan. He reads around 10-20 weekly manga magazines, he did political speeches in Akihabara and he is a Rozen Maiden otaku. He likes so much Rozen Maiden that his nickname is “Rozen Aso”.

Reading Technorati News I found that since yesterday manga and anime business related company stock prices are rising very fast, because having an Otaku prime minister is good news for them. Examples of manga and anime related companies benefiting from “good” political news are: Mandarake, Ghibli, Kodansha, Shueisha, Bandai, Toei animation, Gentousha etc. An otaku is gonna govern the second most rich country in the world!

“Rozen Aso” will probably be the next prime minister in Japan.

7 replies on “Next Japanese prime minister is an otaku”

[…] Whats really interesting now is that ever since word got around of him being the prime candidate to take over Abe, stock prices for manga and anime business related companies has been rising rapidly. Here’s what I saw on Examples of manga and anime related companies benefiting from “good” political news are: Mandarake, Ghibli, Kodansha, Shueisha, Bandai, Toei animation, Gentousha etc. […]

[…] Many people do not die, but the number of people who is really stress and ends up suffering mental illnesses is very high. A recent example is well known by everyone, prime minister Abe suffered from stress and lots of pressure from bureaucrats and the “Japanese dark side”. The day he resigned he was hospitalized in order to be treated from “stress related problems”. […]

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