
Latest gyaru hairstyles

Ageha magazine, one of the most sold magazines in Japan, has just published an articled about the latest trends in gyaru hairstyles. Gyaru girls fashion is quite eccentric; for example they love to exaggerate aspects of their eyelashes and their hairstyle.

Gyaru hairstyle

Gyaru hairstyle

Gyaru hairstyle

Gyaru hairstyle



Source: Chihhylove


LED lights for your mouth

Some weeks ago this video of some girls walking around Harajuku with some kind of device lightening up their mouth was published on the Internet.

Many people, mostly foreigners, thought that it was a new trend in Tokyo. But we, the people that live here, haven’t seen anybody on the streets with LED lights on their mouth. The video was made by professionals (the girls are actresses) for a promotion of the department store LaForet in Harajuku. It is not a new Japanese trend as some “rumors” point on the Internet.

However, as the video is so popular now maybe it will become a trend very soon, who knows… 😉