
Funny Signs

I recently bought a book of photos of kawaii mascots. These are some of the pictures on the book in which mascots appear on signs. The one that I liked the most is the one with the Godzilla statue smiling and holding a sign with a picture of the Keishicho mascot (Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department) with his claws.

Shelter are for children
“Shelter area for children”

Do not enter!
Do not enter!

underground telephone cables
Watch out! There are underground telephone cables.

Strong waves
If there are strong waves, it’s better you don’t fool around the seashore.

Kawaii book cover
The book cover.

Part of the book is available at Google Docs.


Smoke detectors at home

This hand painted mural makes you want to install smoke detectors at home. Even when representing an emergency situation, Japanese people have a good sense of humor, the painting is full of kawaii details; notice that the moon can be seen… and even a frog!

Smoke detectors


Lots of beautiful ladies – Stop!

Somebody with a good sense of humor designed this sign that is located on a street in Kyoto. It warns drivers that around the area there are “Lots of beautiful ladies” (美人多し) and because of that they should “Stop for a while” (一旦停止).

Picture taken by Uchujin during his visit to Kyoto two weeks ago