
100% automatic

Space is a big problem here in Japan, but Japanese people are always thinking how to use it in smarter ways. Robotic car parks are very common in Japan, Tokyo is full of them. Here there is a video where you can see one of the most advanced ones I used in Odaiba island:

The sound you listen when the car is ready reminds me a microwave owen “beep” “beep”.


Not enough

Since December is pretty difficult to find DSs or Wiis in Tokyo area but PS3 are everywhere and it seems people are not buying them. Nintendo 1 – Sony 0.


Vending machines with interactive maps

There are 5.600.000 vending machines in Japan (Source), there is a machine every 22 Japanese!. Is the country with more vending machines in the world, even more than China that has 10 times more population.

There are all kinds of vending machines in Japan, with TV screens, with gambling games, with mobile phone interaction… Some weeks ago I saw a new model that has an interactive map, so you can check restaurants/shops around the place while buying a drink. Nice business model.