
Lowest CEO compensation

Japanese CEO compensation is the lowest in rich countries:


Even though Japan is having tons of problems lately, it is still one of the countries with less inequality of wealth distribution in the world. My feeling, when I compare with what I know about Spain (My home country), is that the lowest salaries in Japan are higher than the lowest salaries in Spain. Also the middle-management positions earn more money here in Japan than in Europe. But when it comes to top-management, company owners, members of the board etc in Europe they earn much more than here in Japan. So, the people on the top in Japan earn a little bit less, and the people on the bottom earn a little bit more.

If you take a look at the FORBES lists there are almost no Japanese billionaires. On the other hand, in Japan, more than 1% of the population has a net worth of more than 1 million USD. There are not many mega-rich people in Japan, but there are lots of people with good money.

Chart found at Investorsconundrum.


Human washing machine

Wow, this invention is awesome! It is a human washing machine prototype created by Sanyo and presented in the 1970 Osaka Word Expo. It takes 15 minutes to wash your body with this machine, and it includes a massage and ultrasound cleaning. Almost 40 years later we are still waiting for mass produced human washing machines, what happened? 😉




Found at Pinktentacle.


Chocolate beer

Strictly talking it is not beer, it is an alcoholic beverage that it looks like black beer but it tastes like chocolate! I’ve never seen it yet, but if I find it somewhere I’ll give it a try. I guess it has to taste really weird! Japanese beverage companies like to invent new drinks continually, almost every week new drinks can be seen in supermarkets and convenience stores.

Cerveza chocolateada