
Big Sushi

The other day I was in a sushi restaurant where they had this picture at the entrance:

Big Sushi

Unfortunately that big sushi was not on the menu! However the sushi that we got was excellent. If you want to try some really good sushi, you can find the restaurant near Shinjuku 3-Chome.


Abandoned hospital – Haikyo

We recorded the Aho aho zombies video in an abandoned hospital at the outskirts of Tokyo. The hospital is kind of like a Gunkanjima but on a smaller scale. It was interesting to see the machinery of an old operating room from the 60’s or the prehistoric electronics of the elevators. But the most interesting thing was that even though the place is completely abandoned, it is quite “clean” and you can notice certain order within the chaos. Almost all the walls in the hospital are painted with graffiti and you notice that the people that come here to paint graffiti try to keep the place as clean as possible; the building is turning into a unique piece of art. We were also surprised not to find any homeless people living inside the abandoned hospital, we only found pigeon nests.

Hospital facade
Hospital facade.

Operating room
One of the operating rooms!

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital

Abandoned hospital
Before the transformation

What a bunch of geek zombies!

And to finish, nothing better than watching again Aho aho zombies!


Shinchan bar – しんちゃんの店

Some days ago I realized that I usually pass by the front of a bar called “Shinchan”, just like the main character of the manga Crayon Shin-chan! I don’t think the name of the bar comes from the manga, as Shinchan is a common nickname for people named Shinnosuke; however it caught my attention. Maybe next time I will go inside to see how it is; to enter you have go down the stairs to the left.


My condolences to Yoshito Usui, author of Shin-chan, who died last September in an unfortunate accident while he was enjoying a hiking day at the mountains in Gunma. Be careful if you go hiking in the mountains and enjoy Yoshito’s legacy!
