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Hello Kitty show at Tokyo bay

If you are in Tokyo at the moment, there is a Hello Kitty show that can be seen every afternoon from the beach at Odaiba until the 22nd of this month. The show commemorates the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Sanrio, the company that created Hello Kitty.


Vending machine with a 47 inches interface

The first vending machine with a tactile interface in Japan has just been installed in Shinagawa station. Not only it has a tactile screen with an interface that allows you to choose the desired drink but it also has a camera able to recognize the age and the sex of the client. Using that information and depending on the season the machine recommends you one drink or another. It also records the drinks you have bought in the past so it knows what to recommend you in the future. 500 of these machines will be installed throughout Tokyo streets in the future and all of them will communicate with each other via WiMax.

Vending machine with a 47 inches interface

Vending machine with a 47 inches interface

Vending machine with a 47 inches interface

Vending machine with a 47 inches interface

Drinks vending machine with a 47 inches interface

Drinks vending machine with a 47 inches interface

Drinks vending machine with a 47 inches interface

Source: Engadget