What I was doing “now” on March 2020


I had to cancel my plans to visit my family, it made me sad, but it is nothing compared with the sadness I feel when I see what is happening to the world. I’ve been now 6 weeks working from home. My team and me decided to be careful with coronavirus and decided to work remotely early from the beginning. So far I would say we have been more productive than going to the office and fortunately it seems that in Japan the growth curve is halting. Now my biggest worry is my family in Spain, I talk with them daily and tell them:”everyone here in Japan wears a mask” I tell them.


I just published a new book with Penguin titled The Book of Ichigo Ichie: The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way. I wrote a piece about what ICHIGO ICHIE is on Medium. The book can be ordered online from Amazon (The Book of Ichigo Ichie: The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way).

I’m working on a new personal website that will be the center of my online activity in the future: hectorgarcia.org.


I do bodyweight training almost daily. It has been two years now since I started. I’m focusing on repeating always the same basic movements instead of trying to learn many at the same time.

My life during the next months will be about:

  • Keep writing my next and next-next book.
  • I’m paying classes to teach me better presentation skills.
  • I will travel NYC to do a book presentation in November. (If posible)
  • I will go to Toyama in August to meet artists and interview them. (If posible)
  • Creating better systems that help me to simplify my life so I can focus on what is important.
  • Learn about Japanese tax system and delegate as much as posible to my new tax accountant.
  • Take care of my wife, my parents and my friends. They need me more than ever.
  • Reading books.
  • Learning to listen.
  • Keep taking care of my health, the daily struggle with SIBO is still with me every day.

Updated March 23st, 2020, from Tokyo.

My “now” has been changing over the years. These are my archived Nownownow pages: