Anime Funny

Flying panties

This is the ending scene of the second episode of an anime series called Sora no Otoshimono. In it more than a minute of flying panties is shown and soon thereafter some random planes flying. It is something really stupid/weird but I think the final result looks kind of good. I am usually bored of how monotonous and unoriginal Japanese men and women are; as a general rule they are scared of not following the path they are supposed to follow. However, there are some times when Japanese people surprise me and don’t follow the path, and when that happens then they do it to the extreme!! Like for example the authors of this anime series, they said to themselves: Mmmm… Let’s do the most WTF ending scene ever! What shall we put in it? Some panties? Flying in the sky like airplanes? Oh yeah! Sounds awesome!
Any ideas on how did they come up with such a WTF?

Video via 3yen

If your really want to understand the origin of the flying panties here you can find the first episode on YouTube.


Hemorrhoids – 痔

A co-worker sent me this picture, she was laughing her ass off. At first glance, it seems like a kid with a supercool sweater with a Japanese character. The problem is that the character 痔 means “hemorrhoid” in Japanese. Probably the designer confused the character 侍, which means “samurai” and is pronounced “ji”, with the character 痔 that means “hemorrhoid” and is also pronounced “ji”… Both characters are graphically very similar but the meaning is totally different!! Poor kid… although probably he is very happy without knowing what the character means 😉

Hemorrhoids sweater

The same thing is even worse when people decide to have tattoos of Chinese or Japanese characters; my advice is: Don’t do it… unless you know a native! For example, a soldier in the last cover of TIME magazine has a tattoo written in Japanese in his right shoulder. Most likely he wanted to tattoo himself something like “I am a crazy boy!” but when translating, the tattoo artist wrote “気違い” which in Japanese has a VERY pejorative meaning. It could be translated as “I am a lunatic”. The poor guy is being object of many jokes in many online forums in Japan.

Japanese tattoo

Be careful when you buy a t-shirt with things that are not written in your language, and be even more careful with tattoos!


Highest belly flop World Record

Darren Tayler, also known as Professor Splash, has recently been to Japan to break his own record by jumping from 10 meters and 83 centimeters in a swimming pool of only 30 centimeters of water:

Video by japanprobe.