
Costumes at Tokyo Marathon

The Tokyo Marathon, one of the most popular marathons in the world, was held some days ago in Tokyo, more than 30,000 runners participated in it. Some people was not happy enough only by running the 42 km, they wanted to do it with a costume! There is fabulous compilation of pictures in Un Gato Nipón, here you have some of them:

Costumes at Tokyo Marathon

Costumes at Tokyo Marathon

Costumes at Tokyo Marathon

Costumes at Tokyo Marathon

Costumes at Tokyo Marathon

Costumes at Tokyo Marathon

Costumes at Tokyo Marathon






26 year old kid turns 400,000 dollars into 4 million dollars in 3 days

Some days ago a 26 year old Japanese guy bought 33 million yen (290,000 EUR/400,000 USD) of oil futures and 3 days later he had 322 million yen (4 million USD/2,85 million EUR) in his pocket thanks to the abrupt rise of oil prices caused by the Libyan crisis. A little bit of luck that will change his life forever. The news say that if he had waited more days he could have gotten 10 or 20 million USD, but he has proudly said that he preferred not to risk more and he has uploaded a photo of his bank account to the Internet showing 322 million yen in his balance.

Making millions buying oil futures

Source: 2chblog


Supermarket cash register that meows

There is a new supermarket cash register in Japan that instead of making the usual “beep” every time you swipe a barcode product through the scanner it makes a cat meow. They say it is more fun for the kids. Another thing is that the clients are the ones that have to pass the products through the scanner and there is no need to employ somebody to operate the cash register; the meows make the tedious task more fun for the clients.

Source: Japanprobe.