
Japanese with superpowers

Found this amazing video procrastinating using Youtube, it features some “normal” Japanese who are able to do some extraordinary things.


New skyscraper in Shinjuku

At the East side of Shinjuku there are many skyscrapers. There is a new one, that is being built that caught my attention. It has a characteristic shape that reminds me the Agbar tower in Barcelona or Dubai’s Burj_Al_Arab building. The new Shinjuku skyscraper will be called “Shinkousha” and it will be 203.65 meters tall.

These are some pictures I took some days ago. Still ten months until completion:

shinjuku nishishinjuku rascacielos skyscraper

shinjuku nishishinjuku rascacielos skyscraper

When finished it will be something like this:

shinjuku nishishinjuku rascacielos skyscraper
More info here (Only Japanese).


My chopsticks bra

“My chopsticks bra” is how the “Triumph International” marketing team decided to name their new ecologic bras. In Japanese restaurants they usually give you disposable wood chopsticks, it’s not a very ecological practice. Some people decided to promote the use of “My chopsticks” (“Mai Hachi”), it means that you have to bring your own chopsticks every time you go to eat to a restaurant. Weird practice, why they don’t promote the use of NON-disposable chopsticks among restaurants?

In order to promote the “Mai Hashi” ecological movement, the people from “Triumph International” created the “My chopsticks bra” as you can see in this pictures from mainishi

Chopsticks bra