
The Softbank dog has an iPhone

Oto-san (お父さん), the Softbank mascot dog bought an iPhone and this is the commercial. Oto-san is trying to hide the iPhone but…


Taco rice

“Taco rice” is one of my favorite Japanese food. It is a typical recipe from Okinawa. The main ingredients are white rice, lettuce, tomato and meet with taco sauce. Depending on the restaurant, it can also have cheese, egg, avocado, extra sauces and cucumber. My favorite version is the one with cheese and avocado.

“Taco rice” was “invented” in Okinawa in an area of restaurants that were near a United States military base. Those restaurants served tacos and other mexican and Texas style cuisine. But some Japanese chef had the idea of replacing the tacos tortilla with rice and “taco rice” was born. Nowadays you can find “taco rice” almost everywhere in Japan, there are tons of variations, some of them very “japanized” with sauce made with mirin, soy sauce and sake.

I’m sure that you can cook your own “taco rice” just by looking at this pictures:

tacorice taco rice food comida

tacorice taco rice food comida


Grand Canyon with 2 AA batteries

Evolta is a new brand of batteries manufactured by Panasonic. In order to demonstrate how good their new batteries are they used a little robot and made him climb from the bottom of the Gran Canyon until the top in 6 hours and 40 minutes with only 2 AA batteries.
